Blockchain Solutions

Imagine being able to transfer value or prevent contractual disputes over the Internet—without going through a third party. Confidently, Securely and almost instantly. Blockchain-based technology could revolutionize business practices as we know them.

EMEA Consulting sees enormous potential for blockchain in all industries. We’ve developed the strategy and implementation capabilities necessary to help financial institutions, Government institutions, technology companies, and startups take advantage of this transformative technology. Our global team of experienced business, technology, and regulatory leaders can help you identify how blockchain can benefit your organization and how to rapidly move these initiatives forward.

Our blockchain products:
  • Tailored blockchain solutions

    • Inter-company accounting

    • Supplychain

    • Supply and demand matching

    • Registers

  • Proof of Concept (within 2 weeks depending on the use case)

    • (free) demo

  • Whitepapers

    • technical and conceptual writing and designing

  • Organizing Hackatons